A Devil's Multiverse Adventure() Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 (2024)

Well, there goes my life... what an unexpected way to die.

in hindsight, none would expect a sixteen-wheeler truck to suddenly go wild and go straight to the fast-food restaurant where I was eating. Well at least I did not die with regret and I never felt any pain but was able to turn around to see that I'd be receiving a Final Destination Part 4 Truck accident death.

...Wait a second, did I at least manage to get the UR Ship Bismarck Zwei?!

oh, man... It's because of that dumb survey thing, f*ck you!

Now I have regrets, does that mean my soul will haunt the mortal realm? if so I would go to haunt my friends and younger brother for sh*t and giggles, and just maybe torture the life of anyone that would dare to date or even touch my now Boyfriendless lover.

I just hope my younger brother would do what I told him to do when I died, heh just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Well, it looks like I don't have anything to regret other than leaving my cosplaying and kinky nympho lovers and fiction waifus in my gacha game, my Minecraft dog, and my pet cat.

However, my monologue was interrupted by a playful beautiful voice.

{Looks like someone's feeling lonely~}

I would have flinched if I still had my body but I couldn't, so I just stared at the Blue Speech Window and the Apparition of a Woman in front of me. I'm quite not sure how to react or reply to that because no words or sounds came out of my mouth.

I remind myself that my throat, vocal cords, and mouth don't exist here, but I'm still unsure how to respond.

{Thinking your response would be enough~}

I look at the speech window and the woman, It seems weird though the words appear on the speech window at the same time the voice would speak, Welp meh.

I don't know how this would go, but do you have any explanations?

{It's easy, I am here to offer you a second chance in life.}

{I know it sounds suspicious but I can assure you that I would gain nothing but being able to continue to exist through you, and why did I choose you? Well, let's just say that among the souls you are the one whom I'm interested in.}

Keep existing? Are you perhaps a Goddess or something?

{Yes I am, but only a remnant of my true self is remaining, I fear that in the next centuries, I will fade into the abyss, forever forgotten.}

{Of course, I was content with that, that's why I would use my remaining powers just to watch humans for my entertainment but then I saw one interesting soul, which made me want to continue observing.}

I see, but I'm already dead and that means my journey has already ended, the pen has already been put down, also a goddess? let me guess you belong to a long-forgotten pantheon, don't you?

{Yes, you are right, our pantheon has long disappeared with the rise of other religions. Also, I was once a mighty goddess, a fragment I am, but I can still give you a second chance in life by becoming my host. If you accept, I won't disappear, in return,I'll be able to grant you the ability to make you grow in power such as bestowing you a System, something that is very popular within the mortal nowadays.}

Wait a System. Do you mean like a Gamer System? uhh I don't know much about them, I only read a few fanfics with that sort of theme to pass the time but what I do know is that most of the systems restrict the growth of their host.

At my response, the woman smiled and brightened up or so I think I don't know whether she was smiling or not but that's the atmosphere I was sensing around her.

{Don't worry, I won't do that! Nothing good will come if I restrict your growth I'll even help you and protect you from any foreign beings and you'll be able to live your life as you wish.}

{Besides, what I desire is entertainment by watching you, and I am creative enough that I don't need to throw gods or powerful beings at you to amuse me, there are many ways to amuse me and with someone like you, I don't doubt that you'll be able to entertain without my interference.}

That's reassuring to know, well I'll accept the offer even if you decide to interfere with my growth or throw some unexpected events my way, after all, I too wanted a second chance in life but after hearing that, I'll happily take your offer with a lot more enthusiasm.

{Thank you! I promise you that I will help and support you from now on, Once we bond I'll be able to recover my power, and the faster your growth is the faster it is for me to recover my prime, and I'll be able to do a lot of things for you.}

She said in excitement as she rushed at me and practically grabbed hold of my cylinder-floating soul and embraced it as she danced around in joy.

Or float around, since we are still in the endless void.

Man, I don't know whether she's a mature diety or a childish one... oof she probably heard that, and by the amused humming I heard I'm 100% sure she did.

Suddenly I heard a ringing bell on my head, as a much more beautiful and appealing notification box appeared in front of me.

*Ding!, Ding!*

[Welcome to the Multiverse System! Congratulations on the beginning of your new life!]

[Let us reward you for some accomplishment you have achieved throughout your whole life!]

[Congatulations for Reaching Adulthood!]

(Condition: Reach 18 Years of Age)

[Reward: Legendary Rank Skill Gacha Token!]

Whoa, she, was not kidding about supporting and helping me, that's crazy and helpful thanks.

{Hehe, you're welcome!}

[Congratulations on Becoming a Big Brother!]

(Condition: Have at least one younger sibling)

[Reward: +10 to all Physical Stats!]

Oh right, Now that reminds me of my two younger siblings, wait I mean four since I have two younger siblings on my mother's side and two on my father's side. I love all four of them, even if the two on my mother's side have always been annoying, albeit I wasn't able to spend much time with my other two younger sisters, after all, I was 20 when I met them and took responsibility for supporting them as their older sibling.

[Congratulations for Losing your Virginity!]

(Condition: Have sex)

[Reward: +5 To all Physical Stats, + 10 Charisma]

Oh right, I lost my virginity when I was 15 after a scout training at my school where I had sex with my female classmate in the Teacher's Louge room.

[Finish High School]

(Condition: Graduate from High School)

[Reward: +5 Intelligence, +5 Wisdom]

Uhh High School was one of the best moments of my life, honestly, I never thought I would graduate in my Senior High, I mean All I'd been doing was training and having sex with some female schoolmates, but somehow that's the reason why I passed because I met one of my girlfriends, a hard-working student who passed with the highest grade while even doing my school work and projects that I neglected.

[Finish College]

(Condition: Graduate from High School)

[Reward: +10 Intelligence, +10 Wisdom]

Yeah, College... If you think High School is the worst that happens in your life then wait until you get into college, you'll know the true pain... At least I graduated college with a degree in computer science although I never got to use much of my skills because I pursued a different career.


(Condition: Watch 100 Anime)

[Reward: +10 Wisdom, +10 Free Stat Point, <[Otaku]> Title]

Well, I have always been watching anime since my mother introduced me to anime when I was 5 years old, so I guess I inherited her Passion as an Otaku.

[Congratulations on getting a Girlfriend!]

(Condition: Successfully have a Romantic Relationship with a Girl)

[Reward: +10 Charmisa, +10 Luck]

Heh, getting yourself a girlfriend is easy that's why I don't understand some people who complain all the time about being single and not getting themselves a girl when they never took the initiative or never tried to socialize with the opposite gender, though I can understand the Introverts but at least stop whining like a brat.

[Congratulations on Mastering one Martial Art]

(Condition: Gain Knowledge and Master every basic technique in one martial art.)

[Reward: +10 on All Physical Stat, <[Martial Arts Practitioner]> Title Gained.]

Well, I did learn Martial Arts, yes I mastered more than one since I got interested in Mix Martial Arts tournaments such as UFC and One Championship, I practised Muay Thai and Wrestling and if it wasn't for my coach seeing potential in me when one of my childhood friends invited me to fight in a boxing competition on their gym, I wouldn't be a two-weight division champion.

[Congratulations on Becoming a Champion!]<Rare Achievement Acquired!>

(Condition: Win a Championship in any Tournament.)

[Reward: +Free 20 Stats Points, Mythical Rank Equipment Gacha Token.]

Ahh, I remember that one, it was one of the matches that I had fought in my life, I mean I fought against one of the living legends in the Industry, the dude hit like a f*cking truck and moved like a cheetah and he is good with grappling skills, it's a bit sad though, we never had a rematch because I f*cking died from a truck.

Now that I think about it, when the news got out of my death I'm pretty sure I'll become a meme... I mean I was a Two Division Champion and was Undefeated so I'm pretty sure they'll make a meme that a Truck is what it takes to beat me...

{Yep, they'll sure do considering most of your fans and admirers have the same hobbies and dark humour as you.}

How did you even know about that? wait never mind I think I found out how.

{Hehehe :), Let's continue shall we?}

Wait we aren't done yet?!

{Heh, no. Moving on}

[Congratulations on Helping the Poor!]

(Condition: Do a Charity Donation at least once.)

[Reward: +Free 20 Stats Points, Mythical Rank Equipment Gacha Token, <[The Generous One]> Title Gained.]

Well, I have done at least 6 or more Charity donations for the Poor, and other stuff. Let's not count the times that I gave people food in my home country and Africa although I was not the only one who donated at that time since I was with a big-time YouTuber known for giving people money and stuff.

{And that is all! We'll have to finish setting up your character and we'll be ready to go!}

Well, let's wrap this up so we can finally start shall we? Let's check our stats first, any gamer would know the most basic thing to do unless they have a big skill issue but I have to solve it first.

One of the essential parts of character creation is naming your character, it'll be easy and no offence to my mother and grandmother but since this would be my second life I plan to use a different name and my cringe and otaku side is forcing me to use a Japanese name.



Level - 1

Title -?

Race - Human

Alignment -Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 50

HP - 350

MP - 300

SP - 350

STR - 35

END - 35

DEX - 35

INT - 25

WIS - 35

CHA - 20

LCK - 40

MP Regen = WIS x 2

MP = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


Why Ryuu? Well, I like the name so don't ask me, that's just the first Japanese name that I think of that doesn't scream "Otaku", and doesn't "Ryuu" mean dragon? Is that a reference to my Nickname?

The Base stats start at 10 but thanks to my achievement's reward we are at a good start for a level 1, not bad.

*Ding!, Ding!*

Skill Gained

[Gamers mind] (Passive)

Allows the User to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows a peaceful state of mind.

Grants Immunity to Psychological Status Effect.

Skill Gained

[Gamers Body] (Passive)

Grants a body that allows the user to live a real life like a game.

Skill Gained

[Observe] (Active)

Provides Information on target.

Oh, are those gamer-standard skills? or did you just make that up?

{No, that is the Standard Gamer Skills or something that I always see in every Fanfiction out there}

Wait... How did you even manage to read Fanfics?! Wait don't tell me, I don't want to know

{Heh :) Moving on}

[Please Select your Race]


Allows the user to receive a miracle upon birth.

The Weaker Race.


Free Access to Dark & Demonic Magics

Free-to-use Contracts,All-Speak, and Flight

Weak to Light and Holy Magic


Free Access to Light magic

Free to use All-Speak and Flight

Resistance to Light and Holy Magic

[Fallen Angel]

Free Access to Light magic

Free to use All-Speak and Flight

Resistance to Light and Holy Magic

[Mix Heritage]

Free to choose which Race to use to create a Hybrid

Will Receive the Pros and Cons of the race used.

I see, those three options made me realize where I'm going... to the Titty Anime.

{.. That's a... Highly Accurate name?}

Jokes aside, I'm more interested in the Mix Heritage because who knows, I might luck out and become a demi-god.

So I pick Mix Heritage.

[Race Picked!]

Race Unlocked!

[Human & Devil Hybrid]

The fruit born from the love between a Human and a Devil, Not only can they receive Sacred gears they also have access to Demonic magic and Devil Physiology but also weak from Light and Divine Magics.

Also gained a chance to Inherit the ability of their devil parent's unique ability if they belonged to one of the clans that possessed unique clan abilities.

<[Stats Bonus]>

[STRx10] [ENDx10] [DEXx10] [INTx10] [WISx10] [CHAx20] [LCKx15]

[Devil Physiology (Strengths)] (Passive)

Due to your Devil Traits, you can summon your wings at will, use the Devil system of magic, understand and speak all languages you hear and have the ability of dark sight.

[Devil Physiology (Weakness)] (Passive)

Due to your devil traits, you have a weakness to light magic, taking double damage from light attacks. You take damage from being on sanctified grounds and holy scripture deals you damage if you read or hear it.



Level - 1

Title -?

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment -Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 50

HP - 3500

MP - 5000

SP - 3500

STR - 35 x(10)

END - 35 x (10)

DEX - 35 x (10)

INT - 25 x (10)

WIS - 35 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

MP Regen = WIS x 2

MP = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


Oh damn, at level 1 I already got some good stats even without using the extra stat points, well I guess I gotta thank whoever is my Devil parent, but for now I decide that I won't touch the extra points until I use those Tokens and decide what my fighting style would be.

Oh right before we start, can I ask you something?

{Go ahead, ask away.}

Will I get reincarnated as a toddler? I rather not experience the life of a toddler, I prefer to start grinding and exploring the world I go to than crawl and cry around for some milk.

{Don't worry you'll start as an 18-year-old teen, and since you don't plan to touch your extra points yet then we're set to go!}

That's good to know, well I better brace myself.

Skill Gained!

[ID Create] (Active)

Creates an Instant Dungeon

Dungeons Available


Welcome to the New World!

Starting in 5.






I wake up slowly feeling the cold surface of the floor that I slept on last night, feeling a little bit dizzy from the sudden influx of memories being inserted in my mind.

I groan as I pull my body and slowly sit on the floor as I look around the living room, this is my new home the last gift my mother gave to me and my twin so she could rest in peace knowing we wouldn't go homeless.

Oh, and I also have a Twin Sister...And it seems we have some... interesting relationship, yep let's just call it that.

Well, at least we both have similarities in everything like Preference for women, way of sleeping, eating, etc.

Feeling a little bit stiff, I get up and head to where my new memories were telling me the bathroom was. Stripping out of my underwear and getting into the shower, as the cold water falls into my body I decide to plan for the future.

I only watched at least two seasons of High School dxd when my friend recommended it to me and was forced to read the Light Novel until volume 19 because my girlfriend is a pervert who likes High School Dxd.

But even all of that information wouldn't help me the moment I appeared in the story, and sh*t I don't even know which season or volume am I in right now, is the boob dragon boy already a devil or still being a nuisance in society?

Well, today is Friday and if I remember correctly next week is when I'll start to attend Kuoh Academy, which means I have time to grind for my level and scout the area to determine what timeline I arrived in the story and how strong the main cast are.

If I'm at the beginning I have at least two or three options.

1. Join Rias in her crusade to stop Riser Chicken's Weiner.

2. If Rias attitude annoyed me I could join her rival and fellow king, Sona just to spite her.

and lastly, I can go lone wolf and get strong enough for me to ignore the plot and tell the factions to f*ck off, which will take a lot of time.

then again I can find a way to make a deal with Rias and Sona without me joining both and if I get too bored, I might as well fight Riser to measure my level.

But for now, I have my priorities and that is to determine what timeline I'm at and get strong enough for me to protect my twin and mother, that means after breakfast I'll start grinding exp by using the dungeon and get rewards.

And speaking of game rewards, I should do something about those extra rewards to give me a better edge with whatever route I choose and the consequences I face.

'Hey, Goddess can I ask you something?'

{Go Ahead, Ask away.}

If I remember correctly, I have received some gacha tokens as a reward right?

{Yes, Indeed, you have One Legendary Ranked Skill Token and Two Mythical Rank Equipment Tokens.}

Gacha... oh the term for hard-core gacha gamer like me... I'm curious as to what did you use for the gacha system did you use a gacha system for reference?

{Oh, I use the gacha game that you always love and hate, and as for the rewards well let's say that I have inserted and ranked every single item and abilities out there that anybody could think of.}

{For example, since right now you are in High School Dxd you can expect that some items that came from this world have higher rates of being rolled, but since it is a gacha, expect that you could be lucky or misfortune to receive items from other verse that both could be useful and be a nuisance.}

Oh dear... did you use the Gacha System of Fate Grand Order and Azur Lane?... ca- can I ask for the Gacha Rates?

{Sure! Here you go!}

[The Game's Official Gacha System Rate Ups!]

[Skills Gacha Rates!]

<[Mythical: 0.001%]>

<[Legendary: 2.5%]>

<[Epic: 5%]>

<[Rare: 19.59%]>

<[Uncommon: 32.9%]>


[Weapon Gacha Rates!]

<[Mythical: 0.001%]>

<[Godly: 2.3%]>

<[Legenday: 5.6%]>

<[Epic: 7.8%]>

<[Rare: 26.5%]>

<Uncommon: 57.7%]>

<[Common: 89%]>

[Character Summoning Rates!]

<[Ultra Rare: 0.001%]>

<[Godly Rare: 1.5%]>

<[Super Rare: 5.5%]>

<[Epic: 11.9%]>

<[Rare: 15.4%]>

<[Uncommon: 25.69%]>


Just look at the Rates... just looking at the rates, I can already feel wanting to take a risk and get the good stuff even though I know with my luck that'll be impossible... well that's not the problem for now since if I am right, the tokens are guaranteed Legendary and Mythic right?

{Yes, You are Right! The only problem what items in the same category you'll get but since you don't know what are the items in the gacha I'm sure you don't have any specific target.}

Well, I do have a specific Target but I'll just bet on my lucky stars that I'll get something good to start with otherwise I'll have a hard time but not going to be a problem either way, I mean it's guaranteed Legendary Skill and Mythical Ranked Equipment and I doubt a goddess at your age would put the trash and useless salts in those category rank.

{Oh Maybe I did, Maybe Not, who knows.}

I don't like the sounds of that but I already decidedto use it right now, therefore it's time to!

Roll The Gacha!

{Spoken like a True FGO Gacha Enjoyer, you don't care about the salt you'll receive!}

Use the Skill Tokken First!

{Gacha Roll!}

[Roll Success! You Received a Legendary Ranked Skill Orb]

[Skill Orb: Ten Shadows Technique]

Oh Ten Shadows Technique? Isn't Fushiguro Megumi's Inherited Technique? A Technique with shadow manipulation and ten familiars that he can combine to create a chimaera?

{Yes It is Indeed, The Ten Shadows Technique from Jujutsu Kaisen, a Powerful Inherited Technique that allows the user to summon ten familiars using his shadow as an Intermediary.}

{Also I added another ability in the ten shadows that you'll have to discover yourself otherwise you won't be able to use it as much as you wish.}

Yeah an ability that has too much potential that could even smack Sukuna's ass but sadly, Fushiguro remains a "Potential Man", and also another ability? Well, I don't mind I'll discover it within a few weeks.

<[Skill Gained: Ten Shadows Technique(Novice)]>

The Ten Shadows Techniqueis an Inherited Technique passed down in the Zenin Clan. Using shadows as an intermediary, this technique allows the user to summon ten different Shikigami.

[Shikigami's Available]

[Divine Dogs] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]

[Divine Dogs]

50 CE to Summon.

<[Perk Gained: Cursed Incarnation]>

Increase damage of cursed-related abilities by 30%

Decrease C.E cost of cursed-related abilities by 30%

Increase Master XP gain of cursed-related abilities by 30%

<[Skill Added: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Novice)]>(Passive)

Gains a new type of energy which allows the user to use cursed techniques and Innate Techniques.


Ryuu Amanai

Level - 1

Title -?

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 50

HP - 3500

MP - 5000

SP - 3500

CE- 5000

STR - 35 x(10)

END - 35 x (10)

DEX - 35 x (10)

INT - 25 x (10)

WIS - 25 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

LCK - 40 x (15)

MP/CE Regen = WIS x 2

MP/CE = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


{Oh Right, I forgot to mention to you that if you gained a skill that requires energy that you don't have you'll instantly gain it because of the gamer's body which allows you to adapt, so don't worry about that one.}

ahh I see, that's good to know, I was about to ask how would I use an Innate Technique without that one, so you just save me some time from asking.

That and the fact that I completely forgot that I'm a f*cking Human & Devil Hybrid so it'll be hard to hide and stay under the radar from Sona and Rias not counting Koneko with her Enhance Sense of smell which is part of being a Sub-Species of the Youkai Nekomata, Nekoshou.

Well looks like I'll be noticed on the very first day as a Half Human and Devil, Unless I could cover or entirely hide it by using something similar and is noticeable. I don't have any Inherited Demonic Powers so let's just assume that I came from an Unknown Clan or I haven't unlocked it yet.

{Oh are you sure it's a good idea to let Devils discover your Cursed Energy? If so that's reckless but I could agree that it'll hide the fact that you are a human-devil hybrid.}

Yeah a Reckless Plan but If I keep increasing my curse energy and gain immense control over it? Yeah, I'll be able to pull off what Vali did in Season 2, where he even fooled Sirzechs and Michael by using the Powerful Aura of Albion and his Status as the White Dragon Emperor, I'll just need a perfect title for me that suits me well and I'll be good.

So for now let's use the other two Tokens and see what we got.

<[Sacred Gear Orb: Annihilation Maker]>

<[The Dawn of Destruction: Gram(Reforged)]>

A Sacred Gear and Gram and considering its title I'd say it's the superior version that came from Nasuverse and I might have hit the jackpot because that's the weapon Sigurd use to slay his version of Fafnir.

Now I'm curious to see what kind of reaction Fafnir will have when he notices there are two grams, Lol It'll be an interesting reaction without a doubt.

Well looks like I'll just need to level up more and increase my Mana and Cursed Energy Capacity so The Devils and Koneko won't notice my heritage.

<[Sacred Gear Obtained:Annihilation Maker(Sub-Species)]>(Passive)

Oh? A Sub-Species Sacred Gear? That'll be more useful and frightening for the characters here, Considering Sub-Species Sacred Gear have better and unique abilities than the regular like How Valerie's Sepiroth Graal, instead of one she had three so I'm curious what's mine, and A Demonic Sword with Dragon Slayer Trait in a world where Dragons are the strongest is bound to be useful.

Looks like I'm off to a good start, and here I was thinking I'll receive bad rolls, and I'm pretty sure that's just the taste of the beginning like how FGO gives a guarantee 4* at the start then tortures you after the tutorial with crappy C.E and Useless 4* Heroic Spirit for beginners.

I guess I know which stat to upgrade...

Also, I'm curious, does me having the Annihilation Maker mean the Leo kid died? Did I just unintentionally attack the (False)Hero Faction?

{Of course not, all the rewards you'll be receiving came from verses and timelines I doomed and destroyed so that I could obtain multiple copies of abilities and equipment.}

That's good to know because I would rather not have a bunch of overpowered delusional kids with the grandiosity of being a Hero or something chasing after me at the game start.

Wait so that means there are currently two existing Annihilation Makers in this world, an original and a sub-species.

[Skill Obtained: Shadow Monster Creation]

- Constructs a Monster using the shadow of the user, based on the user's imagination.

[Skill Obtained: Cursed Shadow Monster Creation]

- A Sub-Species Ability that creates cursed monsters with cursed energy, based on the user's imagination.

Oh, that's good, really good considering I could create curse monsters with this one.

Wait so my Innate Technique was the reason why my Sacred Gear Became a Sub-Species? Because as far as I can remember, Sacred Gear will evolve towards whatever the User desires intentionally or something I don't know I forgot how this works.

{Correct and Sub-Species Sacred Gears take on unique characteristics from the thoughts and feelings of the users}

Well, that's good to know, I guess I'll start by checking out the Instant Dungeons and start grinding levels, I can grind XP in the Dungeons Right?

{Correct!, Yes you can, actually it is the fastest method for you to gain XP and level up other than completing a quest or slaying powerful monsters and gods!}

I see, I'll go ahead and check out the dungeons now then scout the area and the main cast later but first I better finish my bath and wear clothes because as far as I'm interested in fighting butt naked I wouldn't like it if I unexpectedly died or got my shaft cut, burn, freeze or whatever bullsh*t the mobs will use to fight.

A few minutes later I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with my bath towel before wrapping it around my waist and heading straight to my room, I opened the door and was introduced to a big size room with a queen size bed that could fit in three people, a large wooden desk, a Mirror, a PC set, a Bookshelf which I don't doubt 50% of the books are Eroge and the other half is Classic Literature and an old wooden wardrobe in which I open and take a black t-shirt, blue jeans and a boxer.

After I put on the clothes I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen to prepare myself breakfast an egg, fried rice and three grilled fish, It didn't take a while for me to finish cooking, and before long I found myself at the table eating before a hand wrap around his neck before another one hand grabs a part of the grilled fish from his plate.

I place a hand on the arm before glancing at my side and being introduced to a beautiful grey-haired teenage girl, with sleepy eyes and bed hair which did nothing to hide her adorable appearance, I smiled as I looked at my would-be twin sister, Stelle.

"Good Morning~ How's your sleep you lazy raccoon~?" I teased her while she munched on the part of the grilled fish as she focused her tired eyes on mine.

"Not Good, my favourite body pillow wasn't beside me last night." She replied with sadness and disappointment could be heard from her tone.

I don't feel bad because as far as my memory serves, I was the body pillow she was talking about and every time we slept together... well no sleep for me with how she'd randomly kick me in the crotch or elbow me in my face. Thankfully she hasn't kicked my balls in one of her random kicks.

"Well too bad for you but for now go and take a seat so you can have some breakfast, we got two more days before we start school so you should start being productive again rather than being a lazy raccoon," I said before I motion with my hand for her to take a sit on the other end of the table, right in front of me asI continue eating while making sure she takes a seat.

She complied although not before she responded with a "boo", she took a seat and began eating at her own pace as we both sat there in silence and ate our breakfast in peace.

After finishing our breakfast I decided to head up to my room, coming inside I locked the door shut as I mentally prepared myself to check out the dungeons. You might be asking why I am heading straight to the dungeons without knowing how to use cursed energy, my sacred gear and technique, right? Well, I do know Cursed Energy works but I want to learn how to refine and shape my energy in a fight rather than practical training besides I have Gram with me so I'll be safe unless I encounter the dungeon boss.

{Quite a mindset you got there~ I love it~! I'll use the Skill [ID Create] so prepare yourself.}

Yes, please go ahead.

Not long after, I found myself in a place that reeked of death, destroyed buildings and a Military Tank in the middle of the road where I was standing. This scenario reminded me of the early episodes of Walking Dead Season 1. A Perfect place for a zombie-themed dungeon~ I love it~.

{I'm glad you like it~ After all the dungeon is built using your preference ~ Also just a reminder, you have an Inventory and the Horde is coming.}

I was about to ask if I have one but thanks for the reminder and hoo lee shet, that's a horde, alright. She wasn't kidding when she said horde because there should be a hundred if not more zombies slowly, and limping towards me, and yeah they look exactly like the same zombies that Rick saw on that episode.

And they are slowly coming towards me, not wasting any time I activated my inventory skill and grabbed Gram expecting it to be extremely heavy or unusable as I was still at level one.

But to my surprise, it doesn't need any requirements to be equipped, which is probably what the goddess is doing.


[Mastery Level: Novice]

[Grade: Mythical]

Gram: The Dawn of Destruction, "The Sword of The Sun" A Cursed Demonic Sword of the Legendary Dragon Slayer and Hero of Vulsung Saga.

Deals 10,550 Damage+ STRx10

Passive Ability:Dragon Slayer -an ability made specifically to fight and kill powerful creatures known as "Dragons". This type of ability allows the weapon to easily pierce through a dragon's scales and can be used to penetrate through the dragon's defence. It can also be used to kill non-dragon beings who have dragon-related abilities such as sacred gear or dragon hearts.


Special Ability:Bölverk Gram:???[Locked]

I can use the sword for fighting, but not at its full potential, as I can't use the abilities of this weapon, well except for the passive which is useful against anything who uses a draconic type sacred gear or a dragon. I'll need to improvise though, since I'm fighting a massive horde of Zombies, humanoid zombies which means the Dragon Slayer passive won't be of much help, so I'll have to rely on the sword's strength and myself to survive.

{As of now you can only use a portion of its true power, it'll grow stronger every time you Unlock one of its abilities and spoiler alert, you'll love the Special Ability~ that I can assure you.}

I guess that's fair, it won't be fun if I one-shot everything, although I wonder what the requirements are to unlock those skills, it'll be a fun challenge.

Gripping the surprisingly comfortable black handle, preparing myself as the horde has closed a huge distance to me I turn to check my back to ensure I get some breathing space before facing the horde again. While waiting for the horde to come into my range I decided to useObserveon them to see the stats of the zombies.


Level: 5

Hp: 300

The Stats and level are reasonable for a starter dungeon. However, it'll be a death sentence for me if I face a horde this huge without any good (not so)starter equipment, with Gram I can easily cleave through these huge numbers but it'll tire me out easily if I don't have any game plan. "If" is the keyword here because I always have a game plan.

With these numbers, I should be able to learn how to use cursed energy and grind some exp. One might be wondering why I'm trying to learn how to use Cursed Energy when I have the system for that. well for one, the system only granted me the ability to generate cursed energy as well as the capability of using it in a fight but it didn't give me manual instructions on how to channel it on a part of my body.

Although I feel like I can easily use myTen Shadowsand summon my first Shikigami's, theDivine Dogs. It'll be helpful to have them help me clear this horde, yeah I'll summon them once I get a good distance away from them but for now it's time toRip and Tear.

As soon as the first batch of the zombies got into my range, I Immediately swungGramhorizontally aiming for their neck,Gramfound itself easily cutting through the rotting flesh of the zombie, successfully killing the first and second zombies with one move. I took a step back to regain some solid footing and breathing space.

Two down, but looking at the huge number it should take me thirty minutes to clear this out while taking my time and that's the plan.



Grinning, I stepped forward before shifting my body weight as I swungGramonce more for a horizontal slash, cutting through the rotten flesh of five zombies with ease. Shifting towards my left I thrustGramforward, penetrating the head of the zombie, and adding a little more power to my forearm, I swung the blade in a circular pattern, decapitating the heads of the zombies that managed to surround me.

Without taking any break I charge forward, carving my path as I continue slicing through the rotting flesh of the zombies in front of me, occasionally thrustingGramforward and kicking the ones who got too close to me right on their solar plexus or performing an oblique kick right to above the knees.

It took a solid ten minutes before I managed to clear the horde, with only 12 remaining zombies limping towards me with some crawling their way, those are the ones who I kicked earlier before I levelled up to 6, which confuses me but that's a question for later once I exit the dungeon so for now, I'll focus on killing the remaining ones and perhaps it's time for me to summon the two.

"Divine Dogs" After muttering those words I clasp both of my hands as I form a shadow puppetry of a dog, I feel a dip in my cursed energy, followed by a liquefying of my shadow which is moving at a fast speed as it forms into twin wolves. One White coloured fur and the other black coloured fur, the two wolves share similar features such as the crimson blood marking on their head and a size that is far larger than an Average Gray Wolf.

Chuckling at myself as my first attempt works, glancing towards the twin wolves facing the rotting corpses that are slowly coming towards me, I give the two a signal which provides the twin with a push to rush towards the Rotting corpse at an Impressive speed.

The Black wolf immediately kills one by blitzing through the rotting corpse of a zombie, exploding into gore followed by the white one, biting the nape of the crawling corpse before pulling its head off its miserable shoulders. Within a few seconds, the twin wolves cleared the remaining zombies.

<[Level up x7]>

<[You have gained the Undead Cleaver]>

Undead Cleaver (Uncommon)

A Sword Forge by Dwarves, a weapon with the sole purpose of slaying Undeads.

Deals 100 Damage + STRx1.5 + 25% Damage against [Undead] type Monsters

<[Skill Gained: Sword Proficiency (Novice)]>(Passive)

Gains knowledge on how to use Regular Swords.

Sword based Techniques do +10 damage

-10% SP consumption for Sword Skills.

Not gonna lie the reward is quite good, with this, I can go full two sword-style, although I need to master my swordsmanship first before that... I think the design ofUndead Cleaversomehow reminds me of theGoblin Cleaverfrom The Hobbit, a sword that was used by Thorin Oakenshield.


Ryuu Amanai

Level - 8

Title -?

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 71

HP - 3500

MP - 5000

SP - 3500

CE- 5000

STR - 35 x(10)

END - 35 x (10)

DEX - 35 x (10)

INT - 25 x (10)

WIS - 25 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

LCK - 40 x (15)

MP/CE Regen = WIS x 2

MP/CE = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


I guess it's time to upgrade my stats I already gained a lot of free points, and I already have in mind what I'm gonna upgrade considering that gacha tokens exist then it's obvious which stat I'll upgrade but that doesn't mean I'll ignore my other stats.


Ryuu Amanai

Level - 8

Title -?

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 10

HP - 4500

MP - 10000

SP - 4500

CE- 10000

STR - 38 x(10)

END - 45 x (10)

DEX - 38 x (10)

INT - 50 x (10)

WIS - 25 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

LCK - 60 x (15)

MP/CE Regen = WIS x 2

MP/CE = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


It looks pretty good, or am I just too used to bad statistics? who knows it'll be fun to find out later if my stats are too bad once I compare myself to other characters and perhaps my twin sister, Stelle.

This reminds me of one thing, the title, I should probably ask the goddess about that.

'Hey Goddess, quick question.'

{Yes, go ahead~}

'How does the title work exactly?'

{Oh, It's about time you ask. Like a game mechanic, it's a visual display that appears on your character sheetbut also provides associated buffs or benefits. These titles can be obtained through various achievements or accomplishments.}

'I see, can you show me the available titles I have at the moment?'

{Sure here you go.}



Increase exp gain of skills and titles originating from Manga or Anime Worlds by 25%.

[Martial Arts Practitioner]

Increase exp gain of Martial Art-Based Skills and Titles by 25 %

[The Generous One]

Increase the user's luck by 15%, as well as the increase of dungeon loot drop rates by 25%.

The Generous onewill be good when I'm fighting a boss for a much better drop,Martial Arts Practitionerwould be good to increase my swordsmanship proficiency level but for now, I think I'll settle with theOtakuso I could farm exp for myCursed Energy Manipulationas well as my Innate technique, so I'll equip that.

Next up, theDivine Dogs, let's see how strong they are and what I can do withTen Shadows.

[Divine Dog(Black Variant)]

Level: 50

Rank: Veteran

Hp: 2100

Sp: 2100

STR: 70x (3)

END: 70x (3)

DEX: 95x (3)

INT: 25x (3)

WIS: 25x (3)

CHA: 10x (3)

LCK: 5 x (3)

Skills: The Cursed Hound

[Divine Dog(White Variant)]

Level: 50

Rank: Veteran

Hp: 1400

Sp: 1400

STR: 70 x (3)

END: 70 x (3)

DEX: 95 x (3)

INT: 25 x (3)

WIS: 25 x (3)

CHA: 10 x (3)

LCK: 5 x (3)

Skills: The Cursed Hound

OK, what the hell is that stat? that's too damn high- I won't complain though but I guess the theory about the Ten Shadows dependent on the user's Imagination would make sense because I don't and will never have the same mindset that Megumi has.

{Spot on right there Ryuu at least this way that theory has been proven but we'll see if the other theories are true or false once your curse energy grows stronger.}

I wanna ask why you didn't just find out yourself but I don't wanna know


Back to business then, I should test out how powerful theCursed Houndskill is and scout out if there are any nearby powerful variants of zombies and of course let's not forget that I'll need to level up a few more before leaving this dungeon then I'll test the taming ceremony for the other shikigami's.

In the series,Divine Dogsare shown to have a certain level of Intelligence probably like a trained dog so I want to see for myself how intelligent they are. With that, I crouched down to their level and I gently placed my hand on top of their head before giving them a head pat as I addressed the two.

"Can you two understand me?" The two gave me a 'Really' look before nodding in response. I know that was a stupid question but at least they got some humour.

"Alright let's see, can you two detect any zombies nearby?" Getting another dog with the white one happily barking at me.

"I see, that's good then can you two lead me to the nearest location where you can locate a large number of them?" With a bark, the two slowly began to walk towards my left with me following in, it didn't take long for the three of us to pick up the pace as they led me towards a mall.

Turning towards the corner, they continue running but their speed begins to slow down until they stop just a few meters away from the road where I can guess a large number of zombies are located.

Gripping the handle ofGramtightly, I began to slowly take a heavy step that I don't doubt would alert the zombies nearby, but before I passed over the two, I addressed them once more.

"If you two smell slightly if not stronger than the zombies we killed earlier, notify me alright?" after I received a confirmation from the two, I continued to walk towards the road slowly.

I equipped theOtakutitle earlier so I can easily level up my other skills, which reminds me I should probably try and use my cursed energy to enhance my attacks so I could start earning XP for those.

I remember Gojo comparing it to electricity and the device, I managed to summon divine dogs because of the assistance of the game but without it, I might struggle to activate myTen Shadows, then again that's just an example of its usage. If I remember correctly, it had to be the proper control of the emotion.

If it is then it won't be that much of a problem, it is recommended for us Combat sports fighters to have a certain amount of control over our emotions and I'm one of the fighters who's good with controlling our emotions. I just need to make it possible and do what I need to do.

As soon as I stepped out of the alley, I was met by a zombie on my left before I thrustGramover its head easily killing it as it dropped down alerting the horde but the nearby zombies didn't even have a chance to turn around before a blur of white and black burst through them, obliterating the zombies in the process they didn't stop there as they start to clear through a huge number of zombies which is probably twice or even thrice larger than the horde earlier.

Holy sweet mother of big G this horde is massive, with this size I should be able to practice my cursed energy manipulation.

PointingGramtowards my front, I began to concentrate on controlling my emotions, as I slowly reached the centre of my cursed energy. It was hard, but not much as I Immediately felt another dip in my cursed energy as purple flames started to manifest on my hands before they slowly crawled up to Gram, as my cursed energy was being imbued to the blade ofGram.

I have to be careful with reinforcing it though since it might overload and explode just like what happened with Yuta's first katana. After a few seconds of admiring the colour of my cursed energy which confused me at first, I knew it shouldn't be that colour but I decided to ignore it as I joined my shinigami, killing the zombies that were too close to me.

I stopped only a few minutes as the white variant ofDivine Dogrushed in front of me, protecting me from something as it began to growl while the black variant continued to kill the zombies from behind, I was about to ask what was wrong until I saw a massive zombie cleaving through zombies with his enormous axe before stopping a five meters away from me.

Holy f*ck this guy is huge this thing is probably around 11 to 13ft tall he looks like the same abnormal zombie that appeared in the Resident Evil movie, usingObserveon it to Identify the large creature.


Level: 27

Rank: Veteran

Hp: 5000

Yeah, this creature is the same creature from the Movies, the Goddess did a good job with the details, the funni cloth-covered head with spikes and large nails on it, I still can't get over the fact that this big guy looks pretty similar to Pyramid Head. But fighting this big guy won't be much of a problem, I just gotta watch the axe which is probably 3 and a half meters long.

The white variant of theDivine Doghad a staredown with theAxemanfor a few seconds before both of them rushed towards one another, with how fast myDivine Dogsare, it only took a second for him to close the distance going below him as the white one opened his jaw and bit theAxeman's Achilles tendon, tearing it off without any problem followed by hitting his sharp claws against it's another leg causing the large creature to fall on its knees.

Before theAxemancould fight back, the white dog jumped over its back, biting the creature by its neck and pulling the large creature down on the ground, the white one would then let go of the creature's neck, jumping off of it before it's body hit the ground and then once the creature hits the ground, the white one once again jumps over its body and chewing of its head killing it within a minute.

Considering theAxemanwas a mere fodder back in the movie, It won't be a problem against these strong doggos, but we're far from done the horde won't die by itself, time to go wild again.


After half an hour, we finally cleared the horde. The horde was thrice bigger than the first horde I faced much earlier, not to mention more dangerous since there were fourAxemanwithin the horde and a few slightly stronger than the usual zombie, but was not a problem to me and my doggos. And that's my second victory, that was fun now let me see my stats.


Ryuu Amanai

Level - 23

Title - [Otaku]

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 55

HP - 4320

MP - 10000

SP - 4500

CE- 8550

STR - 38 x(10)

END - 45 x (10)

DEX - 38 x (10)

INT - 50 x (10)

WIS - 25 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

LCK - 60 x (15)

MP/CE Regen = WIS x 2

MP/CE = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


<[Level up x15]>

<[Skill Upgrade: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Apprentice)]>

Gains an instinctual knowledge about cursed energy.

Cursed Related Abilities are 10% stronger.

<[Skill Gain: Reinforcement]>

It allows the user to coat and reinforce the body to Increase their Physical Attributes, It can also be used to strengthen the user's weapon.

500 CE to use

Increase the user's damage by 1.3% and 250damage.

Decrease the Damage sustained by 10%

<[Skill Gain:The Sixth Sense]>(Passive)

It grants the user the ability to sense and detect the Supernatural within a 100-meter Radius.

It also allows the user to detect any Residual left behind by Supernatural abilities.

<[Skill Upgrade: Ten Shadows Technique (Apprentice)]>

Gains an Instinctual knowledge about the Innate Technique.

Cursed Energy consumption is reduced to 10%.

<[Skill Upgrade: Sword Proficiency (Apprentice)]> (Passive)

Gained knowledge on how to use swords with Adequate Skills.

Sword based Techniques do +20 damage

-15% SP consumption for Sword Skills.

<[Skill Upgrade: One-Hand Sword Technique (Novice)]> (Passive)

Gained Basic knowledge on how to use one-hand sword Techniques

<[Skill Gain: Horizontal]>

It's a simple sword skill slashing horizontally.

50 Sp to use

Deal [(STRx2) + Weapon Damage] Physical Damage

<[Skill Gain: Vertical]>

It's a simple sword skill slashing vertically.

50 Sp to use

Deal [(STRx2) + Weapon Damage] Physical Damage

<[You have gained the Iron Axe]>

An Iron Axe created in a mysterious crafting table by a Mysterious Figure wearing a Diamond Set Armor.

Deals 80 + STRx2 Damage

<[You have gained the Steel Crystal x 15]>

A Steel Crystal that can be used for crafting armour and weapons.

<[You have gained the END Stat Crystal]>

Use to gain +5 END

<[You have gained the DEX Stat Crystal]>

Use to gain +5 DEX

<[You have gained the Swift Boots]>

[Perk Gained: Undead Slayer]

Gains +250 additional damage against [Undead] Type Opponents

Not bad for my first Dungeon Dive I gained a lot of rewards and Points for that so it's time to Upgrade thy stats once again and use the END and DEX stat Crystal.


Ryuu Amanai

Level - 23

Title - [Otaku]

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 10

HP - 5200

MP - 12600

SP - 5200

CE- 12600

STR - 38 x(10)

END - 52 x (10)

DEX - 43 x (10)

INT - 63 x (10)

WIS - 35 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

LCK - 70 x (15)

MP/CE Regen = WIS x 2

MP/CE = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


Not bad for my first day, and yeah I repeated that word but who cares? Anyway, it's time to wrap it out and prepare a Meal otherwise Stelle might get suspicious of me and I'd rather not face a hungry and angry Stelle.

{Hold on for a second Ryuu, I forgot to give you this earlier}

Perk Earned for reaching 250 STR

<[Perk Gained: Enhanced Strength]>

Physical Attacks Deal Twice the Damage Per Attack.

Perk Earned for reaching 250 END

<[Perk Gained: Resilient Body]>

Increase HP and SP by 5 Per 10 END Stat.

Increase HP and SP regen by 25%.

Perk Earned for reaching 250 DEX

<[Perk Gained: Enhanced Speed]>

Doubles the movement speed and attack speed.

Perk Earned for reaching 250 INT

<[Perk Gained: Attuned Mana]>

Additional 5 MP per 10 INT

<[Perk Gained: Great Curse Energy]>

Increase Damage by 10% for Cursed-Based Abilities

Perk Earned for reaching 250 WIS

<[Perk Gained: Mana Factory]>

+25% Increase in MP regen per WIS

Perk Earned for reaching 250 CHA

<[Perk Gained: Flawless Appearance]>

You possess an Appearance that will make Supermodels cry in jealousy.

Perk Earned for reaching 250 LCK

<[Perk Gained: Gambler's Charm]>

Higher chance of winning games of chances.

Perk Earned for reaching 500 END

<[Perk Gained: Great Endurance]>

Your SP and HP are Doubled.

Perk Earned for reaching 500 INT

<[Perk Gained: Mana King]>

Less Intelligent Supernatural beings might submit to you

Spell Cost 25% less MP

<[Perk Gained: Immense Curse Energy]>

Beings who have sensitive heightened senses have a chance of being frightened once you enter their detection range.

Additional 10 Ce per 10 INT

Perk Earned for reaching 500 LCK

<[Perk Gained: Lucky Gacha]>

Once a week you earn a Free Spin Gacha Token.

Perk Earned for reaching 1000 LCK

<[Perk Gained: Touch of Lady Luck]>

Increases Loot Drop

Games of Chances will almost be impossible to lose.

Gacha and Dice never give blank results.

The rarity of Loot increases.


Ryuu Amanai

Level - 23

Title - [Otaku]

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Mentor - None

Apprentice - None

Attribute Points: 10

HP - 7700

MP -17600

SP - 7700

CE- 24600

STR - 38 x(10)

END - 52 x (10)

DEX - 43 x (10)

INT - 63 x (10)

WIS - 35 x (10)

CHA - 20 x(20)

LCK - 70 x (15)

MP/CE Regen = WIS x 2

MP/CE = INT x 20

SP/Health Regen = END x 2

Health = END x 10

SP = END x 10


Holy Mother of God- Ow, yeah I forgot that I can't use that word now, so that's a thing.

{Yep it is, You'll be able to gain Perk once your stat reaches 250, after that 500, then 1000 then so on.}

Right, that's convenient, by the way, I wanna ask what's with the rank? and how does that work? I'm curious since both of myDivine Dogsand theAxemanhave a rank.

[Tier Tutorial]

Stronger beings are classified as beings of a higher tier.

Higher-tier beings get more additional stats than lowered-tier ones.

Regular - No Bonus

Veteran - 2x stats bonus

Elite - 4x stats bonus

Champion - 8x stats bonus

True Champion - 10x stats bonus

Divine Champion - 25x stats bonus

Moreover, different races have different stats multipliers.

I see, that would make myDivine Dogsa little bit stronger, which would mean it'll be a little harder once I start taming my other Shikigami but it won't be a problem.

I will have to test how strong they are later once I fight one or two Shikigami after scouting the Area, but for now, it's time to make a heartful meal. Dismissing Divine Dogs, I useID Escape.

The Sun is near reaching the middle, which means I still have time to make a good meal. Heading downstairs I found my twin sister, Stelle lazing around the middle room with her back on the brown couch and her eyes fixated on the TV which was airing her favourite anime, Food Wars... At least it's not a butchered version that Ishibumi made to avoid copyright.

Looking at the lazing racoon, I decided to useObserveand check my sister's stats and oh my god, I was in for a big surprise.


Stelle Amanai

Level - 67

Title - The Grey-Haired Racoon

Race - Human & Devil Hybrid

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

Rank - Veteran

HP -55000

MP -144800

SP -55000

STR - 428

END - 550

DEX - 429

INT - 724

WIS - 432

CHA - 320

LCK - 20


Holy sh*t her stats are too high! Oh, wait... right that seems reasonable since according to my Memories, Stelle was a three-time Kendo National Champion and was a one-time Olympic gold medalist in Archery, while I was probably... an Average dude who does boxing but isn't competitive despite my talent, her luck though...

Letting out a sigh of relief, I reach over Stelle's head, ruffling her grey hair while her eyes focus on the TV. With a chuckle, I head to the kitchen and start cooking a Japanese combo meal, which didn't take much time asI was able to finish just in time for Stelle to come asking for food.

A Devil's Multiverse Adventure() Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.