When disputing negative items on your credit report, you may need to contact the credit bureaus for assistance. But that’s not the only reason why it may be necessary to contact the credit bureaus. They also have customer service representatives on hand to handle credit reporting requests related to fraud alerts, security freezes, membership support, cybersecurity, and so much more.
Keep reading to learn more about contacting credit bureaus:
How to Get a Free Copy of Your Credit Report
Before contacting any of the credit bureaus, it’s probably a good idea to review your credit report and pinpoint key issues. Doing so will make it a lot easier to figure out which department you should reach out to find a resolution to your problem.
Even if there haven’t been major issues with your credit report in the past, you want to get into the habit of reviewing the contents on a routine basis. This minimizes the chances of sustaining major damage to your finances and score as a result of fraud or identity theft. You’ll also be able to detect errors or untimely information that could otherwise drag your score down and force you to pay more for credit.
The good news is you can access your report for free annually from the three major credit reporting agencies. To get started, visit AnnualCreditReport.com or call 1-877-322-8228 to order your free report. You can also submit a written request using this form and mail it to:
Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
You can also access a free copy of your credit report if a creditor has taken adverse action against you within 60 days or if you meet the following criteria:
- Receive welfare benefits
- Are a victim of identity theft
- Are unemployed and plan to look for work in the next two months
But if it’s been less than a year and you don’t meet any of the criteria listed above, expect to pay a fee to access your report.
An Important Note About Contacting Credit Bureaus
Submitting your written request to a random PO box found on the web won’t cut it when dealing with credit bureaus. Why so? Well, they have several departments to handle requests, so you want to make sure you pinpoint the correct phone number or mailing address to ensure you reach out to the correct point of contact or send your documentation to the right place.
Keep in mind that credit reporting agencies deal with millions of customers on a consistent basis, so it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks. Also, contact information changes frequently, so the information listed below should be confirmed before moving forward.
How to Contact the Credit Bureaus
You can contact the credit bureaus by phone or mail using the information below. (Most credit bureaus also offer many of their services online for added convenience and to streamline processing).
Word of caution about online disputes: if your dispute is denied, you waive the right to resubmit, which is why disputing items via mail is the better option).
One method isn’t necessarily more ideal than the other, but you may find it more convenient to handle credit report related business by mail (or online if available) to maintain a paper trail.
Phone Numbers
- Cybersecurity Issues: 1-888-548-7878
- TrustedID Premier and Lock & Alert Customers: 1-888-548-7878
- Support for Other Equifax Products: 1-866-640-2273
- Security Freezes: 1-888-298-0045 (Automated Service: 1-800-685-1111 (1-800-349-9960 for NY customers))
- Fraud Alerts: 1-866-349-5191
- Credit Report Requests for Adverse Action: 1-866-349-5191
- Credit Report Disputes: 1-866-349-5191
- Mailing List Opt-Out Requests: 1-888-567-8688
Mailing Addresses
Security Freezes:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 105788
Atlanta, GA 30348-5788
Fraud Alerts:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 105069
Atlanta, GA 30348-5069
Credit Report Requests for Adverse Action:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
Credit Report Disputes:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
Customer Care Chat
Equifax also has a chat function, which is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to midnight (ET). You can also browse their comprehensive library of Frequently Asked Questions as it may have the answers you’re searching for.
Phone Numbers
- Membership Inquiries or Support: 1-479-343-6239
- Credit Report disputes: Call the number listed on your report if you need help filing a dispute.
- General Inquiries: 1-888-397-3742
*Quick note: Requests or support involving disputes, security freezes, credit report requests for adverse action, identity theft, and fraud alerts must be initiated online. You can also use the q&a search function to find the answers to your most pressing questions.
Mailing Address
Credit Report Disputes:
P.O. Box 4500
Allen, TX 75013
General Inquiries:
P.O. Box 9701
Allen, TX 75013
Phone Numbers
- Credit Report Disputes: 1-800-916-8800
- Subscription Services: 1-855-681-3196
- Security Freezes: 1-888-909-8872
- Fraud Alerts: 1-800-680-7289
- Credit Report Purchases: 1-800-888-4213
Mailing Addresses
Security Freezes and Fraud Alerts:
TransUnion LLC
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Credit Report Purchases:
TransUnion LLC
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19016
Alternative Credit Bureaus
Beyond Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, there are credit reporting entities that use alternative data from information furnishers, like cell phone, cable, insurance and utility providers, to generate credit reports.
These alternative credit bureaus enable consumers to build a positive credit history and can be contacted using the information listed below:
- Payment Reporting Builds Credit (PRBC): call 800-884-4747
- Factor Trust: call 844-773-3321 or email [emailprotected]
- Innovis: call 1-800-540-2505
- L2C, Inc. (a subsidiary of TransUnion): call (866) 268-7156
The Bottom Line
If you’re looking for credit bureau contact information and are having a hard time finding what you need, you can always contact the general information hotline as a last resort. The customer service representative should be able to transfer your call or point you in the right direction.