How Soon Feel Baby Move 2Nd Pregnancy Mumsnet (2024)

1. When did you feel second baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 7 jun 2022 · I felt my baby moved very early on (4 months) but it all depends on where the baby is positioned, the amount of amniotic fluid.

  • I'm currently 14.5 weeks pregnant with DC2 and wondering when I'll be able to feel this baby move. I constantly feel 'sensations' but put a lot of it...

2. When did you feel your baby move in 2nd or subsequent pregnancies?

  • 10 aug 2010 · 18 weeks for ds and then not until 22 weeks with dd! Was starting to think she'd never move! Quote. Thanks.

  • I am 15+3 and think I just felt him/her move. It was much later on with my dd (my 1st pregnancy). So just wondered if I am imagining things or if it's...

3. When did you start to feel movements in your second pregnancy? | Mumsnet

  • 14 apr 2015 · First time around 22/23 weeks? I remember it was before 25 weeks. This time 18 weeks for definite! DP even felt the movement! It was so strong, ...

  • I'm 7 weeks with DC2 so too early for me. I felt my first movements at around 14 weeks with DS so quite early and I'm hoping it might be even earlier...

4. Anterior placenta in second pregnancy. When did you feel ...

5. Second pregnancy movements? | Mumsnet

  • 20 aug 2023 · My advice is you will feel baby movements any day now but don't feel worried as baby still tiny and probably just hiding.

  • Hi! I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second baby. Had a private scan today, all good. Saw baby wriggling around on the screen but not feeling any move...

6. Is it possible to feel movement at 11 weeks in second pregnancy?

  • 27 mei 2021 · It is possible. I've felt all ours after the 1st around 11/12wk. Even current one with an anterior placenta I could feel at 12wk, movements were a lot less ...

  • I’m 11 weeks tomorrow. It’s actually my third pregnancy but the second was ectopic and I thought third pregnancy in the title might be confusing. I...

7. When did you first feel your second baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 5 dec 2008 · Mine settled down at about 15 weeks, now at 20 weeks I'm getting the proper movements again. Hope all goes well with you. Quote. Thanks. Add ...

  • Am 11 weeks today with dc2 and could swear I've felt movement already - sort of butterfly feelings and some pops. Is this actually possible or is it w...

8. When did you feel movement- 2nd baby - Mumsnet

  • 25 jul 2017 · I felt my first definite kick 3 weeks earlier in 2nd pregnancy than in my 1st. 20 weeks with first baby and 17 weeks with 2nd. Felt flutters for a few weeks ...

  • Currently 11+4 with second baby. I felt my DS around 16 weeks. Will I feel this one any earlier?

9. When did you first feel second baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 13 feb 2008 · With second, definitely at 10 weeks. It felt like a slight, localised pressure, and by 12/13 weeks had progressed to little taps, now at 20 ...

  • Felt DD1 start to move at about 14-16 weeks. Only just 12 weeks now and could have sworn that I felt a tiny flutter. Cant be though, can it? Seems soo...

10. possible to feel movement at 12 weeks with 2nd baby? - Mumsnet

  • 19 apr 2021 · I felt the little flutters around 11wks with second baby. Knew instantly what it is. By 14 wks I was getting kicks and by 15 wks u cld actually ...

  • so got a couple of days i've been feeling flutters and pops lower down in my belly and sometimes very faint thuds/kicks. they feel completely differen...

11. Anterior Placenta with 2nd Baby, when did you feel movements?

  • 17 nov 2018 · This is my second baby, anterior placenta and definitely feeling movement now at 21 weeks. I felt something from about 19 weeks, but less obviously the baby.

  • I had a 15 week check up scan yesterday (long boring story I won't go in to), and they told me the placenta is Anterior and I might not feel kicks for...

12. when did you feel baby move in 2nd pregnancy??? - Mumsnet

  • 5 feb 2005 · About 15 weeks I think - they (the "experts") say that you can feel it earlier in subsequent pregnancies so you're probably not imagining it.

  • I think i'm going crazy but i think i can feel my baby move. the sensation is the same when i was pregnant DD, but i'm only 15 weeks (had same sensati...

13. No movements 16 weeks, second pregnancy - Mumsnet

  • 23 aug 2021 · I didn't feel movement with my second until 20+ weeks. I had an anterior placenta with both my 1st and 2nd. 16 weeks is still really early.

  • I'm 16 weeks with my second baby and really worried about the fact I've felt no movements at all yet. With my first I could feel distinct flutters at...

14. When did you feel the baby move, 2nd time around? - Mumsnet

  • 13 apr 2006 · I felt 2nd baby move sooner than 1st, think i was about 15 weeks, maybe its because I mistook movements for wind with 1st! If you're 14 weeks, ...

  • By my dates I am around 11 weeks pregnant but the midwife seems to think I could be 2-3 weeks further along. I won't know for sure till I have my scan...

15. How Early Can You Feel Your Second Baby Move During Pregnancy?

  • 6 mei 2024 · However, even in a second pregnancy, people don't usually feel their baby's movements until 16 to 18 weeks at the earliest. What Do Fetal ...

  • In your second pregnancy, you notice a lot of things are different. These differences can include when you start feeling your baby move.

How Soon Feel Baby Move 2Nd Pregnancy Mumsnet (2024)
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