The War Within Best 2v2 Comps for Each Spec (2024)

The new WoW TWW has shaken up the PvP meta across 2v2 Arena brackets. With sweeping class changes, buffs, and nerfs, the arena landscape looks quite different. With this WoW TWW 2v2 Comp Tier List, we'll analyze the strongest specs and comps for 2v2 arenas based on theory crafting and early beta/alpha testing.

WoW The War Within 2v2 Comps Tier List

The 2v2 Arena in WoW offers a unique challenge, emphasizing the synergy between two players and their chosen classes. Recent updates in the War Within expansion have shifted the meta, affecting the viability of certain specs and comps. The 2v2 meta is dominated by melee cleave setups and consistent pressure damage. Warriors remain king, with their ability to apply unrelenting damage while supported by strong healers like restoration shamans. Assassination rogue brings massive bursts when combined with a healer's survivability cooldowns. Unholy DKs and Enhancement shamans also dish out incredibly high sustained DPS. Casters tend to struggle more in 2s without constant protection.

Here we rank the best 2v2 comps for WoW The War Within, the meta specs for 2v2 arena PvP will be represented:

  • 1. Arms Warrior + Resto Druid (S Tier)

The Arms Warrior paired with a Resto Druid is considered a top-tier comp due to its ability to dampen and outlast opponents in 2v2 matches. Arms Warriors bring strong consistent pressure and survivability, which complements the Resto Druid’s potent healing and crowd control. This combination excels in wearing down enemies over time, making it a popular choice among high-rated players.

  • 2. Fury Warrior + Resto Druid (S Tier)

Fury Warrior and Resto Druid together form a powerful comp due to the Fury Warrior's unhealable burst damage and the Resto Druid’s healing efficiency. Fury Warriors can solo opponents with their bladestorms and sustained damage, while Resto Druids provide support through healing over time and effective crowd control. This results in a comp that can quickly overwhelm opponents while maintaining survivability.

  • 3. Assassination Rogue + Disc Priest (S Tier)

This comp is highly effective as it combines the Assassination Rogue's lethal burst damage with the Disc Priest’s strong utility and healing. Assassination Rogues excel in applying constant pressure through bleeds and poisons, while the Disc Priest supports with damage mitigation and offensive capabilities. Together, they create a dynamic synergy that can dismantle enemy teams rapidly.

  • 4. Unholy DK + Disc Priest (S Tier)

Unholy DKs paired with Disc Priests make a formidable team due to the DK’s sustained damage and the Priest’s versatile support. Unholy DKs apply relentless pressure with their diseases and pets, while Disc Priests offer robust healing and additional damage output. This comp is adept at controlling the battlefield, making it difficult for opponents to recover once they are on the back foot.

  • 5. Enhancement Shaman + Sub Rogue (A Tier)

This comp relies on the Enhancement Shaman's consistent damage and the Sub Rogue's burst potential and control. Enhancement Shamans bring powerful elemental attacks that can pressure opponents continuously, while Sub Rogues provide crucial stuns and burst damage to secure kills. Together, they create a balanced offensive strategy that can catch opponents off guard and quickly turn fights in their favor.

  • 6. Destruction Warlock + Resto Shaman (A Tier)

Destruction Warlocks paired with Resto Shamans form a robust comp that combines high damage output with strong healing and utility. The Warlock’s powerful spells can deal massive damage, forcing opponents to play defensively. Meanwhile, the Resto Shaman offers reliable healing and support through totems and crowd control, allowing the Warlock to maintain pressure and control the pace of the match.

  • 7. Feral Druid + Resto Shaman (A Tier)

This comp leverages the Feral Druid’s bleed-based damage and mobility with the Resto Shaman’s healing capabilities. Feral Druids excel in applying sustained pressure through consistent bleed damage and crowd control, while Resto Shamans support with potent healing and defensive tools. The synergy between their abilities allows them to outlast and wear down opponents effectively.

  • 8. Survival Hunter + Disc Priest (A Tier)

Survival Hunters, paired with Disc Priests, offer a comp that balances damage, control, and healing. The Survival Hunter’s traps and steady damage output keep pressure on opponents, while the Disc Priest provides both healing and additional offensive support. This combination is versatile, capable of adapting to various situations and applying pressure while maintaining survivability.

  • 9. Frost Mage Comps (B Tier)

Frost Mage comps struggle due to recent nerfs that reduce their burst potential. While they can provide strong crowd control and occasional burst damage, their reliance on Ice Lance makes them vulnerable. Without significant support, Frost Mages often find it challenging to maintain pressure and secure kills, limiting their effectiveness in 2v2 settings.

  • 10. Survival Hunter + Healer (B Tier)

Survival Hunter with a healer provides consistent damage and utility, but it lacks the burst needed to quickly finish off opponents. While the healer can keep the Hunter in the fight longer, this comp often struggles against high-pressure teams. The steady damage and traps can be effective, but it generally requires more effort to secure victories compared to higher-tier comps.

  • 11. Feral Druid + Healer (B Tier)

Feral Druid and healer comps offer strong bleed damage and crowd control, but they face challenges due to the current meta favoring burst and melee dominance. The Druid’s mobility and sustained pressure can be effective, but without significant burst damage, they may struggle to close out matches quickly. This comp relies heavily on coordination to capitalize on openings.

The War Within Best 2v2 Comps for Each Spec (Class)

Above we've covered the most OP 2v2 comps in WoW TWW, now let's sort out the best comps for each spec:

Arms Warrior Best 2v2 Comps:

Arms Warrior + Restoration Shaman

Arms Warrior + Restoration Druid

Arms Warrior + Mistweaver Monk

Arms Warrior + Preservation Evoker

Arms Warrior + Holy Paladin

Fury Warrior Best 2v2 Comps:

Fury Warrior + Restoration Shaman

Fury Warrior + Restoration Druid

Fury Warrior + Mistweaver Monk

Fury Warrior + Holy Priest

Protection Warrior Best 2v2 Comps:

Protection Warrior + Restoration Shaman

Protection Warrior + Restoration Druid

Protection Warrior + Holy Paladin

Assassination Rogue Best 2v2 Comps:

Assassination Rogue + Discipline Priest/Holy Priest

Assassination Rogue + Restoration Druid

Assassination Rogue + Preservation Evoker

Assassination Rogue + Holy Paladin

Outlaw Rogue Best 2v2 Comps:

Outlaw Rogue + Restoration Druid

Outlaw Rogue + Discipline Priest/Holy Priest

Outlaw Rogue + Preservation Evoker

Subtlety Rogue Best 2v2 Comps:

Subtlety Rogue + Arcane Mage/Fire Mage

Subtlety Rogue + Discipline Priest/Holy Priest

Subtlety Rogue + Survival Hunter

Subtlety Rogue + Shadow Priest

Subtlety Rogue + Balance Druid

Augmentation Evoker Best 2v2 Comps:

Augmentation + Shadow Priest

Augmentation + Subtlety Rogue

Augmentation + Arms Warrior

Augmentation + Windwalker Monk

Devastation Evoker Best 2v2 Comps:

Devastation + Restoration Druid

Devastation + Holy Priest

Devastation + Mistweaver Monk

Devastation + Preservation Evoker

Preservation Evoker Best 2v2 Comps:

Preservation + Havoc Demon Hunter

Preservation + Arms Warrior/Fury Warrior

Preservation + Windwalker Monk

Preservation + Assassination Rogue

Holy Paladin Best 2v2 Comps:

Holy Paladin + Arms Warrior

Holy Paladin + Assassination Rogue

Holy Paladin + Beast Mastery Hunter

Holy Paladin + Havoc Demon Hunter

Holy Paladin + Windwalker Monk

Retribution Paladin Best 2v2 Comps:

Retribution Paladin + Restoration Druid

Retribution Paladin + Mistweaver Monk

Retribution Paladin + Feral Druid

Retribution Paladin + Fury Warrior

Affliction Warlock Best 2v2 Comps:

Affliction Warlock + Discipline Priest

Affliction Warlock + Restoration Druid

Demonology Warlock Best 2v2 Comps:

Demonology Warlock + Restoration Shaman

Demonology Warlock + Mistweaver Monk

Demonology Warlock + Restoration Druid

Demonology Warlock + Discipline Priest

Destruction Warlock Best 2v2 Comps:

Destruction Warlock + Restoration Druid

Destruction Warlock + Discipline Priest

Unholy Death Knight Best 2v2 Comps:

Unholy Death Knight + Holy Paladin

Unholy Death Knight + Restoration Druid

Unholy Death Knight + Mistweaver Monk

Unholy Death Knight + Restoration Shaman

Frost Death Knight Best 2v2 Comps:

Frost Death Knight + Restoration Shaman

Frost Death Knight + Restoration Druid

Frost Death Knight + Holy Paladin

Frost Death Knight + Preservation Evoker

Beast Mastery Hunter Best 2v2 Comps:

Beast Mastery + Healer

Marksmanship Hunter Best 2v2 Comps:

Marksman + Healer

Survival Hunter Best 2v2 Comps:

Survival Hunter + Restoration Druid

Survival Hunter + Holy Priest

Survival Hunter + Discipline Priest

Survival Hunter + Preservation Evoker

Survival Hunter + Holy Paladin

Survival Hunter + Mistweaver Monk

Discipline Priest Best 2v2 Comps:

Discipline Priest + Rogue Specs

Discipline Priest + Feral Druid

Discipline Priest + Survival Hunter

Discipline Priest + Beast Mastery Hunter

Holy Priest Best 2v2 Comps:

Holy Priest + Survival Hunter

Holy Priest + Subtlety Rogue

Holy Priest + Assassination Rogue

Holy Priest + Feral Druid

Holy Priest + Windwalker Monk

Shadow Priest Best 2v2 Comps:

Shadow Priest + Preservation Evoker

Shadow Priest + Feral Druid

Shadow Priest + Restoration Druid

Shadow Priest + Arcane Mage

Havoc Demon Hunter Best 2v2 Comps:

Havoc Demon Hunter + Restoration Druid

Havoc Demon Hunter + Preservation Evoker

Havoc Demon Hunter + Discipline Priest

Havoc Demon Hunter + Mistweaver Monk

Arcane Mage Best 2v2 Comps:

Arcane Mage + Subtlety Rogue

Arcane Mage + Discipline Priest

Arcane Mage + Holy Paladin

Arcane Mage + Restoration Druid

Fire Mage Best 2v2 Comps:

Fire Mage + Subtlety Rogue

Fire Mage + Holy Priest

Fire Mage + Restoration Druid

Fire Mage + Holy Paladin

Frost Mage Best 2v2 Comps:

Frost Mage + Subtlety Rogue

Frost Mage + Holy Priest

Frost Mage + Holy Paladin

Frost Mage + Restoration Druid

Frost Mage + Shadow Priest

Balance Druid Best 2v2 Comps:

Balance Druid + Preservation Evoker

Balance Druid + Restoration Shaman

Balance Druid + Holy Priest

Balance Druid + Mistweaver Monk

Feral Druid Best 2v2 Comps:

Feral Druid + Preservation Evoker

Feral Druid + Restoration Shaman

Feral Druid + Mistweaver Monk

Feral Druid + Discipline Priest

Restoration Druid Best 2v2 Comps:

Restoration Druid + Assassination Rogue

Restoration Druid + Windwalker Monk

Restoration Druid + Arms Warrior/Fury Warrior

Restoration Druid + Beast Mastery Hunter

Restoration Druid + Demonology Warlock

Mistweaver Monk Best 2v2 Comps:

Mistweaver + Arms Warrior/Fury Warrior

Mistweaver + Demonology Warlock

Mistweaver + Unholy DK

Mistweaver + Havoc Demon Hunter

Mistweaver + Feral Druid

Mistweaver + Assassination Rogue

Windwalker Monk Best 2v2 Comps:

Windwalker + Holy Paladin

Windwalker + Preservation Evoker

Windwalker + Restoration Druid

Windwalker + Holy Priest

Elemental Shaman Best 2v2 Comps:

Elemental Shaman + Holy Paladin

Elemental Shaman + Discipline Priest

Elemental Shaman + Restoration Druid

Elemental Shaman + Preservation Evoker

Elemental Shaman + Destruction Warlock

Enhancement Shaman Best 2v2 Comps:

Enhancement Shaman + Mistweaver Monk

Enhancement Shaman + Discipline Priest

Enhancement Shaman + Holy Priest

Enhancement Shaman + Preservation Evoker

Restoration Shaman Best 2v2 Comps:

Restoration Shaman + Havoc Demon Hunter

Restoration Shaman + Arms Warrior

Restoration Shaman + Retribution Paladin

Restoration Shaman + Outlaw Rogue

Restoration Shaman + Shadow Priest

Restoration Shaman + Assassination Rogue

While the meta continues to evolve, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each comp is key to mastering 2v2 Arenas in WoW TWW. Experiment with these top-tier comps or adapt them to fit your playstyle and see how high you can climb in the PvP rankings.

The War Within Best 2v2 Comps for Each Spec (2024)
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